Everyone’s an idiot!
Have you ever wondered why it’s so hard to get along with others? Or maybe why it’s hard to get along with yourself at times? Maybe it’s because we’re all idiots. No, I’m serious. Every human being has an element of imperfection that causes them to act like a moron, half the time. This is including me and you, I’m afraid. Human beings can be big, fat jerks. No matter how badly we want to act nice, treat everyone we love better, break our bad habits and make perfect choices, this one element remains: we’re human and therefore, imperfect beings. There is only one perfect one and that is Jesus. He is the only one that walked this world in human form, but without sin. 1 Peter 2:22 says “He never sinned and He never spoke deceitfully.” John 8:7 says (paraphrased) if you’ve never had a sinful desire then you should be the first one to cast the first stone. The story ends by each person who had a stone in their hand and was ready to commit murder by stoning an adulterous woman had to drop their stone and head and walk away. The main point is this, we have no place to judge someone else. Walk a Mile in My Shoes is a variation of the saying, "You can't really understand another person's experience until you've walked a mile in their shoes." It is attributed to Native American tribes and from the 1895 poem by Mary T.
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I am a Christian and I am supposed to love everybody and in fact by my degree of love is how I’ll be judged. I hate to say it but somebody has to: Christians can be the biggest idiots of all. This is not meant to offend but rather shed light on the fact that many people who need church avoid going to church because they think they will be judged by a bunch of hypocrites. I dislike this because technically everyone is a hypocrite just by definition. The word hypocrite means imposter. I can understand how people surmise that churches are full of hypocrites not because people expect Christians to be perfect but they do expect them to accept rather than judge the person walking through the door. Because the person walking through the door knows that the people inside the churches are idiots just like them; redeemed idiots, but idiots all the same. Once again the only perfect person in history is Jesus. So how about we Christians drop the damnation, realize we’re not any better-we’re just forgiven, and do what we are supposed to do: l-o-v-e and let God do the judging! Are you having a hard time getting along with your neighbor? It’s ok! They’re just an idiot and so are you! So do me a favor: give yourself a lot of grace and give your neighbor even more grace and get off your high horse and get about the business of love.